2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
   Salmon (no.) 624 1004 932 1704 1053 974 937
   Biggest (kg) Not recorded - each year salmon between
14-20 kg are caught in the river
      As can be seen from the table there has been a steady 
      increase in catches throughout the years, however, with a 
      certain decline in catches for 2021. The average weight
      of the fish is really good for this river.- above 5 kg!


        The statistics for the river Varde is very reliable since reporting
        on catches is required within 4 days. This rule applies to all -
        Fishing Association members as well as Anglers buying a daily
        fishing permit. You can find current statistics here...
        Since, at the moment, the fishing authorities would like to build
        a bigger and more sustainable stock of salmons certain quotas
        are in place by this river permitting just 1 salmon per year per
        Angler. Furthermore a total of 261 salmon is the maximum catch in 2022
        permitted for the whole of the river. When this figure is reaches all
        fishing becomes catch-and-release. Season by river Varde is from
        16. April - 31. October
  10 biggest salmon caught in Denmark (river) - table is sortable - click on headings
Name Weight in kilo.... Bait Lenght in cm.... River Date (
D.C. Dinesen 26,5 Spoon (Devon) 136 Skjern å (Skolebroen)   15. april 1954
Harry Aarup 24,0 Spinner 127 Skjern å (Albæk)  03.March 1944
Søren Viborg 22,0 Spoon 120 Storå (v. Grydeå)   03. April 1949
Daniel Christensen 21,1 Spinner 124 Gudenåen (Stevnstrup) 09. April 2009
Hans Bache 21,0 Fly 121 Skjern å   01. April 1928
Olaf Solberg 20,4 Fly 121 Skjern å (Gjaldbæk)  19. April  2012
Laurids Melgaard 20,4 Spinner 121 Varde å (Mastesvinget)  17. April  2010
Kim Jacobsen 20,1 Fly 121 Storå (Postens hul)   02. April  2009
H. Nygaard Hansen 20,5 Spinner - Skjern å  23. March 1935
Andreas Møller 20,0 - - Varde å  May 1928

     REDTAG, Flamming Mosevej 6, 8620 Kjellerup" (+45) 97 20 88 28 / (+45) 21 80 64 88 " "